It will look like this.

Decorate your site with photographs
and earn money at the same time -

Become an Island Light Affiliate

Now you can show all your favorite Island Light photos right on your own website or blog. And not only is it free, you can actually make money from them.

It's simple. Just fill out the form at right and paste a short piece of code into your web page. Photos from your Island Light favorites gallery will automatically appear in random order, framed and matted like at left, on your blog or website. When someone sees a photo on your page and then buys it, 15% of the cash is automatically yours!

If you don't already have a free Island Light account you will need to make one before signing up so that we know which photos you want on your page. Click here to make your account (it only takes a moment).

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to E mail us.

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Island Light password

Your Website

Display Images

Already an affilate?
go to the Affiliate Center and take a peek around.