Slow Photography: Seeing the light where you are
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When one says 'nature photographer' it might bring to mind an image of a travel-seasoned airline jockey, zooming about the globe with a small mountain of camera gear, seeking out and photographing rare and beautiful natural wonders, traveling by jeep, speedboat or camel on the endless search for the perfect shot before hopping on the plane back to the urban mansion and magazine editors. This may be an accurate picture (ouch) in some cases. But there is another way to see - and record - the wonders of nature, a less exotic and grandiose one perhaps, but with its own unique flavour of adventure.
Human powered photography, without the turbo charged assistance of our the high speed western industrial machine. Taking pictures from one's own two feet, walking from one's home to the viewpoint and back, with tripod over the shoulder and lunch in a pocket. It doesn't make for a particularly glorious 'map' on flickr. Nor does it offer very easy pickings for big game photography (unless one happens to live inside a game park). But nature is wonderful not just when standing next to the viewpoint sign. Everywhere there is something new to see – if you look closely.
We have taken this approach out to perhaps a rather extreme degree. If you search this website for Cortes Island you will find a surprisingly large number of images. The reason for this is simple: I could count on the toes of one foot the number of times that either of us has gotten in a car (let alone an airplane) and set off for the purpose of taking a picture this year. But it would take more digits than are collectively in the postal code V0P1K0 to count the number of times we've stepped out the door with our cameras, for a foot powered photo session.
Posted on 2010-11-15
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